How to connect to an external Hard Drive in a more friendly way (USB 3.0 Type A)

Traditionally, the manufacturer will include you a Straight USB Cable for connecting between hard drive and your computer side.
That normally create problems.
At the computer side, no matter you connect to the USB Ports from front panel or the PCI back plate, a straight cable requires more space. Worse still, you may accidentally hit the cable and... cause damage to the USB Port. I'm sure you've had such experience in other scenario, don't you?
A Right Angle USB Cable can help a lot, here are 2 types of Right Angle USB Cable that can remedy the situations.
A. A Right Angle USB Cable
If the cable is to connect to an External Hard Drive, you can just have the Right Angle at the computer side because normally you will have the Hard Drive flat on the table, a right angle USB connector may not be a big problem.
If the cable is to connect to an External Hard Drive, you can just have the Right Angle at the computer side because normally you will have the Hard Drive flat on the table, a right angle USB connector may not be a big problem.

B A Dual Right Angle USB Cable
That is even better.
You can have overcome a straight cable that will have the troubles to you completely.
No matter at the computer side or at the hard drive side, you have no worries there will be accident hit, causing damage to the connector, hard drive or interruption to the on-going back up process.

If you are interest to these cables, you may consider these 2 cables:
by the way, they are both Superspeed USB 3.0 Cables.
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