Are you a color blind engineer that needs a RS232 monitor?


 And working as an engineer?

This RS232 tester will work as tester / monitor that allows you to know which wire is got no signal to pass, simply just look at the LEDs and you will know.


If you are not color blindness, you will see more of course. Each wire got an independent LED to let you know if it is working or now.



This RS-232 mini tester (checker) is designed to connect in series with any RS-232 interface. Bright LED signals clearly show which lines are active (prefer for those color blind).

Mini Testers are used to check the interface for failures and to help identify the equipment that has failed. The tester may be left in the line permanently. It is transparent to data transfer.

16 LED's indicate the status of the following lines: 1CD, 2 RXD, 3TXD, 4DTR, 6DSR, 7RTS, 8CTS, 9RI.

available at: usbfever

SKU: UF000484

